November 1997 edition (please note that this edition is now obsolete)
by Daniel V.
Department of
Physics, Weber State University
Here is a list of known errors in this prepublication edition.
If you find an error that is not listed here, please e-mail me
- Page 10: In the fifth line from the top, "molecues" should
be "molecules".
- Page 33: Six lines from the bottom of the page, "fouth" should
be "fourth".
- Page 41: Just under equation 2.19, "bizzarre" should be spelled with
only one z.
- Page 56: Seven lines below equation 2.54, "less that you might
expect" should be "less than you might expect".
- Page 61: At the very bottom of the page, the reference to
"the following section" should be to the end of the current section.
- Page 66: Three lines below equation 3.17, "is also applies" should
be simply "also applies".
- Pages 69-70: Throughout this discussion, references to "spins"
pointing up or down should actually be to "magnetic moments". (Because
the electron's charge is negative, its magnetic moment is opposite
to its spin.)
- Page 71: Toward the end of the first paragraph, the statement
that the "state of negative temperature won't last long" is incorrect.
I am informed that experimentalists have succeeded in maintaining
spin systems at negative temperature for weeks at a time.
- Page 83: The statement two lines below equation 3.63 is ambiguous
and requires clarification. The precise statement is that for each
species of particle, the chemical potentials for the two systems must
be equal to each other. There is no general relation between the
chemical potential for one species and the chemical potential
for another species.
- Page 109: Four lines below the heading "Extensive and Intensive
Quantities", "add twice as much stuff" is incorrect. The idea here
is to add as much as you already have, so that when you're done, you
have twice as much as before.
- Page 157: Immediately above inequality 6.89, "quantites" should
be spelled "quantities". Also,
inequality 6.89 needs a factor of Z_int, the internal
partition function, on the left-hand side. The statement just below
the inequality is not very precise, but is still correct provided
that Z_int is not large.
- Page 176: Three lines below equation 7.48, "degrees Kelvin"
should be "kelvin" (according to the Unit Police). On the
same page, just below the heading "The Density of States", "a small
nonzero" should say "at small nonzero".
- Page 179: Two lines above the heading "The Sommerfeld Expansion",
the condition "T << epsilon_F" should be "kT << epsilon_F".
- Page 191: In the middle of the last paragraph before Problem 7.26,
the statement about the dominant contribution to the entropy of the
universe is probably wrong. It is true that the entropy of the background
radiation is much greater than that of ordinary matter. But the entropy
of black holes could easily be greater still. Later, in the last sentence
of the same paragraph, "entropy Nk" should read "entropy is Nk".
- Page 193: Six lines below the subsection heading, "at the same
rate" should instead read "with the same probability".
- Page 197: Two lines above equation 7.100, "emmisivity" should
be spelled "emissivity".
- Page 231: Two lines below equation A.21, "ldots" should have
been the TeX control-sequence "\ldots" which produces " . . . ".
In the following line, L_z should be J_z. And in the fourth line
of the next paragraph, "distict" should be "distinct".
Last modified on December 29, 1998.