Script tag |
<script> /* JavaScript code */ </script> (code in same file)<script src="myScript.js"></script> (code in external file)
Variable declaration |
var myVariable; // declares variable scope var myVariable = 42; // combines declaration and initialization |
Arithmetic |
+ - * / |
Shortcuts |
+= -= *= /= ++ -- |
Relations |
== != < <= > >= |
Logic |
&& (and) || (or) ! (not)
true false
Math object |
Math.PI Math.E Math.sqrt(x) Math.pow(x,y) (xy)Math.cos(t) Math.acos(x) Math.exp(x) (ex)Math.sin(t) Math.asin(x) Math.log(x) (natural log)Math.tan(t) Math.atan(x) Math.atan2(y,x) (angle to point x,y)Math.max(x,y) Math.min(x,y) Math.abs(x) (absolute value)Math.round(x) Math.floor(x) Math.ceil(x) (round normally, down, or up)Math.random() (pseudo-random number between 0 and 1)
Control structures |
if (balance <= 0) { color = "red"; } else { color = "black"; } while (t < 10) { doStuff(); t += dt; } for (i=0; i<100; i++) { total += i*i; } |
Function declaration |
function hypotenuse(a, b) { return Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b); } |
Arrays |
planets = ["Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars"]; thirdPlanet = planets[2]; // numbering starts at 0 planetCount = planets.length; // 4 planets.push("Jupiter"); // append an element planets.sort(); // put into alphabetical order x = new Array(N); // create array of N elements, 0 to N-1 |
Objects |
particle = {name:"electron", mass:9.1e-31, charge:1.6e-19}; eOverM = particle.charge / particle.mass; |
Formatting numbers |
myString = Number(Math.PI).toFixed(2); // "3.14" |
HTML event attributes |
onclick = "myFunction();" (use for buttons, links)onchange = "myFunction();" (use for sliders, etc.)
HTML element access |
id = "myElement" (in HTML opening tag)var myElement = document.getElementById("myElement"); (in JavaScript)
Modifying content |
myElement.innerHTML = "New content"; myElement.innerHTML += "Added content"; myButton.value = "New button text"; |
Modifying style | = "red"; = "#ffff80"; = "none"; (hide an element completely) = "block"; (unhide a block element) = "inline"; (unhide an inline element)
Measuring time |
theTime = (new Date()).getTime(); // time since 1970 in ms |
Delayed execution |
window.setTimeout(myFunction, 10); // call myFunction in 10 ms |
Debugging |
console.log("myVariable = " + myVariable); |