Seasons Worksheet

The Seasons Worksheet

Part A: The Seasons Here on Earth:
  1. What do you predict is the cause of the seasons on Earth? (This is YOUR model.)


    1. In your model, are the seasons experienced at the same time in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?

    2. In your model, does the length of the day change with season?

    3. In your model, are there any special locations?

  2. Is your model consistent with the facts listed about the Earth?


  3. How would you like to change your model to be more consistent with the actual observations of the Earth?


  4. In one sentence, state the cause of the seasons.


  5. List one fact, and explain the difference between a fact and a model.



Part B: Intensity of Sunlight.
  1. No written answer required.
  2. When you hold your card parallel to your hand, does the square of light cover more or less of your skin than when you hold it at a slant?


  3. In which case does your hand feel warmer?


  4. In January, which hemisphere (North or South) is most perpendicular to the Sun?


  5. Explain how the tilt of the Earth's axis causes the seasons to vary over the course of the year.


Part C: The Seasons on Uranus:
  1. In position A, above, how many daylight hours would a typical Uranian have each day? To what Earth season(s) might this position correspond (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall)?


  2. In position D, how many daylight hours would a Uranian on the 'left' half of the planet have each day?


  3. In position B, how many daylight hours would a Uranian on the 'left' half of the planet have each day?


  4. Where on Earth would you have to live to experience seasons like those of a typical Uranian?


Part D: The Seasons on Planet _______:
  1. What do you name your new planet?


  2. Describe the seasons on your planet.


  3. How are ________'s seasons different from the Earth's seasons?


  4. Where would you expect life to flourish on ________? Where would you expect it to fail miserably?


  5. There is a way to make ______ somewhat more Earth-like in its seasons, without altering the fact that it is tidally locked. What property of ______ would make its seasons more Earth-like?