Clip title | Start time | Cue-up | Running Time | Summary |
Formation of the Moon by Giant Impact | 0:40 | ? | 3:00 | ? |
Origin of the Solar System | 3:45 | ? | 2:00 | ? |
Pluto and Charon | 5:40 | ? | 3:30 | Eclipses and surface features |
The X-ray sun | 9:15 | ? | 1:30 | ? |
A Flare Star: AU Microscopium |
11:00 | ? | 1:30 | ? |
Crab Nebula Pulsar | 12:50 | ? | 1:30 | ? |
Cosmic Jets | 14:25 | ? | 3:00 | ? |
Part 1: Galaxy Collisions and Mergers |
17:50 | ? | 1:30 | ? |
Part 2: Galaxy Collisions and Mergers |
19:25 | ? | 1:35 | ? |
Local Structure of the Universe | 21:45 | ? | 1:00 | ? |
Flow of Galaxies | 23:15 | ? | 2:30 | ? |
Gravitational Clustering in the Expanding Universe |
25:45 | ? | 3:00 | ? |