The Expanding Universe
Galaxy Number |
Distance 1 (cm) |
Distance 2 (cm) |
Difference (cm) |
"Velocity" (cm/s) |
- Plot the velocity versus the second measurement to get the "Hubble Law for Balloons". Label the units on your axes.
- Draw a 'best-fit' straight line through your points. The line should go through (0,0) on your graph. Why?
- Find the slope.
- Find the age of your balloon universe from this slope.
- How does this age compare to the time it took to blow up the balloon the second time?
- What assumptions do you make about your balloon universe when you find it's age by this method? Are these sensible assumptions?
- How would your results change if you used a different reference "galaxy" on the balloon? If you are not sure, try it!