The Sun is a Main Sequence star and therefore derives its energy from the fusion of Hydrogen nuclei into Helium. This process, known as the p-p cycle, starts with four Hydrogen nuclei and produces one Helium nucleus, and energetic positrons, neutrinos, and gamma rays.
Four Hydrogen nuclei have a combined mass of
M4H=6.693X10-27 kg,
and one Helium nucleus has a mass of
MHe=6.645X10-27 kg.
The difference in the initial and final total mass in each fusion process,
M = M4H - MHe = 0.048X10-27
kg, is converted into energy (and the Sun "loses" this mass). This is the
, where m in this
case is the difference in the masses
M and c is the speed of light.
The amount of energy released every time
this takes place is
Mc2=4.3X10-12 Joules.
Star bright: Powering the Sun
The Sun's total luminosity, 4X1026 Watts (or Joules/second)1, is ultimately derived from the energy released by many fusion reactions each second.
1. How many fusion reactions per second are required to sustain the Sun's luminosity of 4X1026 Watts?
Your answer should be roughly 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1038)!!
2. The Sun is losing mass each time a fusion reaction occurs. What is the rate at which the Sun's mass is decreasing (in kilograms per second)?
Your answer should be about several billion (109) kg / s. Since one ton is 103 kg, express this in millions (106) of tons per second. If one car weighs about 2 tons, how many millions of cars per second is this?
3. How many years does it take for the Sun to lose the equivalent of the Earth's mass, M =6X1024 kg? Express this number in years (there are approximately 3X107 seconds in a year).
That's a mighty long time: Lifetime of the Sun
1. Here are pretty good assumptions about the Sun:
2. We can't directly measure the age of the Sun. However, the oldest rocks found on the surfaces of the Earth and the Moon are about 4.5X109 years old. What does this tell us about the current age of the Sun? How much longer will the Sun remain on the Main Sequence?
3. Look at Table 1. The Sun is a G2 star. You might expect that stars
more massive than the Sun will live
longer than the Sun because the massive stars have more fuel available to
burn: for example, a 15 M star should last 15 times longer
than the Sun, or 150X109 years. But according to this table
a 15 M
star lasts a mere 11X106 years. Why?
4. The age of the Universe is believed to be close to 14X109 years. Which classes of stars have never left the Main Sequence? Explain.