Review for Exam #1 (Physics)
scientific method
Plato's Allegory of the Cave
celestial sphere
diurnal (daily) rotation of the celestial sphere
retrograde motion of a planet
Aristotle's four prime substances of the sublunar (Earthly) world
Aristotle's fifth substance (ether or quintessense) of the astronomical (heavenly) world
Prime Mover
Ptolemy's geocentric model
uniform (constant speed) circular motion
the Library at Alexandria
monkeys typing Hamlet
Copernicus' heliocentric model
Giordano Bruno
Tycho Brahe - not including his model of the solar system
Galileo Galilei and his discoveries with his telescope
Kepler's three laws of planetary motion
period of an orbit
Aristotle's four types of motion
"nature abhors a vacuum"
uniform motion (constant speed) - not including the graphs
accelerated motion (speeding up, slowing down, changing direction) - not including the graphs
uniformly accelerated motion (constant acceleration)
Galileo and his experiments with falling bodies
Aristotle vs. Galileo on horizontal motion
Galileo and projectile motion
inductive and deductive logic
René Descartes
scalars and vectors - not including the addition of vectors
speed (a scalar) and velocity (a vector)
Isaac Newton and his discoveries
centripetal (center-seeking) force
Newton's three laws of motion (in words)
Newton's universal law of gravitation
discovery of Uranus and Neptune
determinism (clockwork universe)
free will
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Last modified: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 05:54 PM