Scientific Publications: 1975 - 1999

Spjeldvik, W. N., T. A. Fritz, R. B. Sheldon, and J. Chen: "Magnetic Local Time Survey of Radiation Belt Helium Ions Structure Conducted with Data from the POLAR CAMMICE/HIT Instrument", Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 24, 233-238, 1999.

Spjeldvik,W. N., T. A. Fritz, J. Chen and R. B. Sheldon: "POLAR Spacecraft Observations of Helium Ion Angular Anisotropy in the Earth's Radiation Belts", Annales Geophysicae, 17, 723-733, 1999.

Gusev, A. , I. Martin, G. Pugacheva, A. Christy, W. Spjeldvik: A 2D Simulation of the Proton Radiation Belt with PELLPACK code, 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1999, Salt Lake City, USA, 17-25 August 1999, V. 7, p. 417-420, SH.3.6.39, 1999.

Spjeldvik, W. N., G. I. Pugacheva, A. A. Gusev, I. M. Martin and N. M. Sobolevsky: "Sources of Inner Radiation Zone Energetic Helium Ions: Cross-Field Transport versus In-Situ Nuclear Reactions", Advances in Space Research, 21, 1675-1678, 1998.

Chen, J., T. A. Fritz, R. B. Sheldon, H. E. Spence, W. N. Spjeldvik, J. F. Fennell, S. Livi, C. T. Russell and D. A. Gurnett: "Cusp Energetic Particle Events: Implications for a Major Acceleration Region of the Magnetosphere", Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, No. A1, 69-78, 1998.

Pugacheva, G. I., D. M. Boscher, A. A. Gusev, I. M. Martin, and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Numerical Modeling of Magnetospheric Electron Radial Transport with Accounting for Synchrotron Radiation Losses", Geophysical Research Letters, 25, No. 9, 1519-1522, 1998.

Pugacheva, G. I., W. N. Spjeldvik, A. A. Gusev, I. M. Martin and N. M. Sobolevsky: "Hydrogen and Helium Isotope Inner Radiation Belts in the Earth's Magnetosphere", Annales Geophysicae, 16, No. 8, 931-939, 1998.

Gusev, A. A. T. Kohno, W. N. Spjeldvik, I. M. Martin, G. I. Pugacheva, A. Turtelli, Jr.: "Dynamics of the Low Altitude Secondary Proton Radiation Belt", Advances in Space Research, 21, No. 12, 1805-1808, 1998.

Pugacheva, G. I., D. M. Boscher, A. A. Gusev, I. M. Martin, and W. N. Spjeldvik: "On Synchrotron Radiation Energy Losses of Trapped Magnetospheric Electrons", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,, 60, 1159-1162, 1998.

Pugacheva, G. I., W. N. Spjeldvik, A. A. Gusev and I. M. Martin: "On the Natural Energetic Positron Population in the Earth's Inner Radiation Belt", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 59, 363-369, 1997.

Gusev, A. A., T. Kohno, W. N. Spjeldvik, I. M. Martin, G. I. Pugacheva and A. Turtelli, Jr.: "The 3-9 MeV/Nucleon He Ions Flux Dynamics in the Inner Magnetosphere Obtained with Ohzora Satellite", Advances in Space Research, 20, No. 3, 385-388, 1997.

Chen, J., T. A. Fritz, R. B. Sheldon, H. E. Spence, W. N. Spjeldvik, J. F. Fennell and S. Livi: "A New Temporarily Confined Population in the Polar Cap During August 27, 1996 Geomagnetic Field Distortion Period", Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 1447-1450, 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N., T. A. Fritz, J. Chen and R. B. Sheldon: "New Perspective on Radiation Belt Helium Ion Pitch Angle Distributions: Results from the ISTP/GGS POLAR Spacecraft", Boston University , Center for Space Physics, Research Preprint,1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Numerical Modeling of Stably and Transiently Confined Energetic Heavy Ions Radiation in the Earth's Magnetosphere", Radiation Measurements, 26, No.3, 309-320, 1996.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Cross Field Entry of High Charge State Energetic Heavy Ions into the Earth's Magnetosphere", Geophysical Monograph, 97, p. 63-67, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 1996.

Pugacheva, G. I., A. A. Gusev, I. M. Martin, W. N. Spjeldvik and A. Turtelli Jr.: "On the Chaos and Stability Problem in the Trapping of Anomalous Cosmic Ray Heavy Ions by the Earth's Magnetosphere", Planetary and Space Science, 44 (#3), 267-271, 1996.

Gusev, A. A., I. M. Martin, G. I. Pugacheva, W. N. Spjeldvik and T. Kohno: "Dynamics of the Low Altitude Energetic Proton Fluxes Beneath the Main Terrestrial Radiation Belts", Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 19659-19663, 1996.

Pugacheva, G. I., A. A. Gusev, I. M. Martin, W. N. Spjeldvik and T. Kohno: "The Temporal Evolution of 3 - 9 MeV/nucleon He Flux Trapped in the Magnetosphere", Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 2793-2796, 1996.

Gusev, A. A., I. M. Martin, G. I. Pugacheva, A. Turtelli, Jr., and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Energetic-Positron Population in the Inner Zone", Il Nuovo Cimento, 19, 461-467, 1996.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and R. W. McEntire: "Iron Ions in the Earth's Radiation Belts: Theory and Observations with the AMPTE/CCE Spacecraft", Johns Hopkins University pre-print (unpublished), 1994.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Diffusive Transport of Solar Origin Energetic Carbon Ions Through the Earth's Magnetosphere: Predicted Phase Space Distributions", in: Physics of Space Plasmas (1990), SPI Conference Proceedings and Reprint Series, Number 10, T. Chang, G. B. Crew and J. R. Jasperse (eds.), Scientific Publishers, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1991.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Equilibrium Charge State Distribution of Geomagnetically Trapped Ions: Analytic Considerations and a Useful Algorithm", Annales Geophysicae, 8, (1), 59-68, 1990.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Consequences of the Duration of Solar Energetic Particle Associated Geomagnetic Storms on the Intensity of Geomagnetically Trapped Radiation", Space Physics Modeling, American Geophysical Union Monograph No. 44, T. Moore and J. Waite, editors, Washington, D. C., 1988.

Sauer, H. H., W. N. Spjeldvik and F. K. Steele: "Relationship Between Long-Term Phase Advances in High Latitude VLF Wave Propagation and Solar Energetic Particle Fluxes", Radio Science, 22, 405-424, 1987.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and P. L. Rothwell: "Chapter 5, The Radiation Belts", Handbook of Geophysics and Space Physics, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1986.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and H. A. Garcia: "Anisotropy Characteristics of Geomagnetically Trapped Ions", Journal of Geophysical Research, 90, 347, 1985.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Experimental Determination of Geomagnetically Trapped Energetic Heavy Ion Fluxes", Advances in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol.5, editor: R. G. Johnson, D. Reidel / Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo, Japan, p.369-421, 1983.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Ionic Composition of the Earth's Radiation Belts", Journal of Geophysics / Zeitschrift fur Geophysik, 52, 215, 1983.
Spjeldvik, W. N. and P. L. Rothwell: "The Earth's Radiation Belts", Environmental Research Paper No. 854, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, U. S. Department of the Air Force, U. S. Government Printing Office Publication AFGL-TR-83-0240, Massachusetts, 1983.

Fritz, T. A., D. J. Williams, G. Paschmann, C. T. Russell and W. N. Spjeldvik: "The Magnetopause as Sensed by Energetic Particles, Magnetic Field and Plasma Measurements on November 20, 1977", Journal of Geophysical Research, 87, 2133, 1982.
Fritz, T. A. and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Pitch Angle Distributions of Geomagnetically Trapped MeV Helium Ions During Quiet Times", Journal of Geophysical Research, 87, 5095, 1982.

Westphalen, H. and W. N. Spjeldvik: "On the Energy Dependence of the Radial Diffusion Coefficient and Spectra of Inner Radiation Belt Particles: Analytic Solutions and Comparison with Numerical Results", Journal of Geophysical Research, 87, 8321, 1982.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Observations of Energetic Helium Ions in the Earth's Radiation Belts During a Sequence of Geomagnetic Storms", Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, 2317, 1981.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Energetic Heavy Ions with Nuclear Charge Z>=4 in the Equatorial Radiation Belts of the Earth: Magnetic Storms", Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, 2349, 1981.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Energetic Ion and Electron Observations of the Geomagnetic Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: Three-Dimensional Results from ISEE-1", Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, 2480, 1981.

Spjeldvik W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Discovery of Ions with Nuclear Charge Z >= 9 Stably Trapped in the Earth's Radiation Belts", Planetary and Space Science, 29, 1227, 1981.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Transport, Charge Exchange and Loss of Energetic Heavy Ions in the Earth's Radiation Belts: Applicability and Limitations of Theory", Planetary and Space Science, 29, 1215, 1981.

Fritz, T. A. and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Steady-State Observations of Geomagnetically Trapped Energetic Heavy Ions and Their Implications for Theory", Planetary and Space Science, 29, 1169, 1981.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Observations of Ions with Nuclear Charge Z >= 9 in the Inner Magnetosphere", Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, 7749, 1981.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "State of the Art of Energetic Particle Measurements in the Earth's Magnetosphere", Proceedings of the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory Workshop on the Earth's Radiation Belts: January 26-27, 1981. AFGL-TR- 0311, Air force Systems Command, USAF, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., pages 125-208, 1981.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Modeling of Magnetically Trapped Radiation in the Inner Magnetosphere of the Earth", Proceedings of the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory Workshop on the Earth's Radiation Belts: January 27-27, 1981; Air Force Systems Command, USAF, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., pages 245-270, 1981.

Sagalyn, R., W. N. Spjeldvik and W. Burke (editors): "Proceedings of the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory Workshop on the Earth's Radiation Belts: January 26-27, 1981", Air Force Systems Command, USAF, United States Government Printing Office, AFGL-TR-0311, Washington, D.C., October 21, 1981.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and L. R. Lyons: "On the Predictability of Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation into the Earth's Atmosphere Following MagneticStorms", Solar-Terrestrial Predictions Proceedings, (book, editor: R. F. Donnelly), IV, B59, 1980.

Fritz, T. A. and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Simultaneous Quiet Time Observations of Energetic Radiation Belt Protons and Helium Ions: The Equatorial Alpha/Proton Ratio Near 1 MeV", Journal of Geophysical Research, 84, 2608, 1979.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Expected Charge States of Energetic Ions in the Magnetosphere", Space Science Reviews, 23, 449, 1979.

Paulikas, G. A., D. N. Baker, W. R. Barron, V. Domingo, E. C. Roelof, M. Scholer, M. A. Shea, D. F. Smart, W. N. Spjeldvik and J. I. Vette: "Prediction of Energetic Particle Disturbances", Solar-Terrestrial Predictions Proceedings (editor: R. F. Donnelly), II, 415, 1979.

Higbie, P. R., D. N. Baker, V. Domingo, W. L. Imhof, R. L. McPherron, W. N. Spjeldvik, D. J. Williams, J. R. Burrows and M. Hayakawa: "Short Term Magnetospheric Particle Variations (1 min < T < 1 day)", Solar-Terrestrial Predictions Proceedings, (editor: R. F. Donnelly), II, 433, 1979.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Reply to the Comment of M. Walt and G. Davidson", Journal of Geophysical Research, 83, 226, 1978.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Energetic Ionized Helium in the Quiet Time Radiation Belts: Theory and Comparison with Observation", Journal of Geophysical Research, 83, 654, 1978.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Theory for Charge States of Energetic Oxygen Ions in the Earth's Radiation Belts", Journal of Geophysical Research, 83, 1583, 1978.

Fritz, T. A. and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Observations of Energetic Radiation Belt Helium Ions at the Geomagnetic Equator During Quiet Conditions", Journal of Geophysical Research, 83, 2579, 1978.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Quiet Time Observations of Equatorially Trapped Megaelectronvolt Radiation Belt Ions with Nuclear Charge Z>=4", Journal of Geophysical Research, 83, 4401, 1978.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Composition of the Hot Plasma Inner in the Magnetosphere: Observations and Theoretical Analysis of Protons, Helium Ions and Oxygen Ions", Space Research, XVIII, 317, 1978.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Radiation Belt Electrons: Structure of the Loss Cone", Journal of Geophysical Research, 82, 709, 1977.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Equilibrium Structure of Equatorially Mirroring Radiation Belt Protons", Journal of Geophysical Research, 82, 2801, 1977.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "The Equilibrium Radiation Belt Electron Pitch Angle Distribution and its Dependence on the Radial Diffusive Source", Journal of Geophysical Research, 81, 2931, 1976.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and R. M. Thorne: "Maintenance of the Middle Latitude Nocturnal D-Layer by Energetic Electron Precipitation", Journal of Pure and Applied Geophysics, 114, 497, 1976.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and R. M. Thorne: "The Cause of Storm After Effects in the Middle Latitude D-Region Ionosphere", Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 37, 777, 1975.

Spjeldvik, W. N. and R. M. Thorne: "A Simplified D-Region Model and its Application to Magnetic Storm After Effects", Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 37, 1313, 1975.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: “Introduction to Meteorology and Atmospheric Science”, Class Manuscript for UCLA class Meteorology 3, Associated Students of the University of California Publishing, March 1975.