Scientific Contributed Presentations by WALTHER N. SPJELDVIK
_______________________ 1969 - 1979: ____________________________
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "An Alternate Approach to Quantum Mechanical Eigenfunctions:
A Literature Study", Department of Physics, University of Bergen, Norway,
October 3, 1969.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Recent Findings in Solar Flare Associated X-Ray Perturbations
of the Ionosphere: SID-Events", The Auroral Observatory (now: Department
of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tromso), Tromso, Norway, June 20, 1970.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "What we Don't Know about the Mesosphere", Seminar,
Department of Meteorology, University of California, Los Angeles, California,
January 28, 1972.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Water Cluster Ions in the D-Region Ionosphere: Ion
Reaction Schemes at 50-90 km Altitude", Department of Meteorology, University
of California, Los Angeles, California, September 20, 1972.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "The Mystery of Jupiter's Red Spot: A Viable Meteorological
Solution?", Department of Meteorology, University of California, Los Angeles,
California, November 23, 1973.
Spjeldvik, W. N. and R. M. Thorne: "Relativistic Electron Precipitation:
A D-Region Ionization Source", Fall Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical
Union, San Francisco, California, December 12, 1973. In: EOS, Transactions
of the American Geophysical Union, 54, 1162, 1973.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Geomagnetic Storm Perturbations on the Lower Ionosphere",
Doctoral Committee Dissertation Topic Defense Lecture, University of California,
Los Angeles, California, March 16, 1974.
Spjeldvik, W. N. and R. M. Thorne: "Geomagnetic Storm Recovery Phase Electron
Precipitation and its Ionospheric Effects below 90 km", Annual Meeting
of URSI, The International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, Colorado, October
17, 1974.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and its Ionospheric
Effects at Middle Latitudes", Dissertation Defense Lecture, University
of California, Los Angeles, California, November 23, 1974.
Spjeldvik, W. N. and R. M. Thorne: "Middle Latitude Electron Precipitation
During the Recovery Phase of a Magnetic Storm", Fall Annual Meeting of
the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, December 9, 1974.
In: EOS, Transaction of the American Geophysical Union, 56, 1160, 1974.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Energetic Electron Precipitation into the Middle Latitude
D-Region Ionosphere", NOAA/ERL, Space Environment Laboratory, Seminar,
U. S. Department of Commerce, Boulder, Colorado, February 24, 1976.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Magnetic Storm Effects in the Lower Ionosphere",
NOAA/ERL, Space Environment Laboratory presentation to the National Academy
of Sciences Evaluation Committee, U. S. Department of Commerce, Boulder, Colorado,
March 19, 1976.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Development of Models for Protons and Helium Ions in
the Earth's Radiation Belts Based on Diffusive Radial Transport", NOAA/ERL,
Space Environment Laboratory presentation to the NOAA Environmental Research
Laboratories, U. S. Department of Commerce, Boulder, Colorado, May 27, 1976.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Radiation Belt Protons During Geomagnetically Quiescent
Conditions", Fall Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San
Francisco, California, December 11, 1976. In: EOS, Transaction of the American
Geophysical Union, 57, 981, 1976.
Fritz, T. A. and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Energetic Helium Ions in the Quiet
Time Radiation Belts", Fall Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical
Union, San Francisco, California, December 11, 1976. In: EOS, Transactions
of the American Geophysical Union, 57, 982, 1976.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Energetic Radiation Belt Protons, Helium Ions and Oxygen
Ions at the Geomagnetic Equator: Theory and Observation", NOAA/ERL, Space
Environment Laboratory, Seminar, U. S. Department of Commerce, Boulder, Colorado,
May 10, 1977.
Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Composition of the Hot Plasma in the
Inner Magnetosphere: Observations and Theoretical Analysis of Protons, Helium
Ions and Oxygen Ions", Twentieth COSPAR Meeting, Tel Aviv, Israel, June
14, 1977. In: Space Research, XVIII, 317, 1978.
Wicklund, T. G., T. A. Fritz and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Observations of Energetic
Helium Ions with Explorer 45 at Geomagnetically Quiet Times", Spring Annual
Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C., June 3, 1977. In:
EOS, Transaction of the American Geophysical Union, 58, 480, 1977.
Fritz, T. A. and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Observations of the Alpha/Proton Ion
Flux Ratio in the Radiation Belts at Hundreds of KeV per Nucleon", Spring
Annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., June 3,
1977. In: EOS, Transaction of the American Geophysical Union, 58, 480, 1977.
Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Theoretical Analysis of Energetic Oxygen
Ions in the Earth's Radiation Belts", Spring Annual Meeting of the American
Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., June 3, 1977. In: EOS, Transactions of
the American Geophysical Union, 58, 480, 1977.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "The Charge State Test for Sources of Radiation Belt
Ions: An Analysis", International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,
IAGA/IAMAP Joint Symposium, Seattle, Washington, August 27, 1977. In: EOS,
Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 58, 754, 1977.
Fritz, T. A., W. N. Spjeldvik and B. Wilken: "Megaelectronvolt Oxygen
Ions: A Major Radiation Belt Constituent", International Association of
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, IAGA/IAMAP Joint Symposium, Seattle, Washington,
August 27, 1977. In: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 58,
754, 1977.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Heavy Ions in the Magnetosphere: Physical and Chemical
Processes", Department of Astrogeophysics, University of Colorado, Boulder,
Colorado. November 6, 1977.
Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Quiet Time Measurements of Radiation
Belt MeV Oxygen Ions with Explorer 45 at L=2 to 4", Fall Annual Meeting
of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, December 8, 1977.
In: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 58, 1217, 1977.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Observasjoner av tunge joner i jordens straalingsbelter:
Resultater fra Explorer 45 maalingene" ("'Observations of Heavy Ions
in the Earth's Radiation Belts: Results from Explorer 45'"), Department
of Physics, University of Bergen, Norway, May 24, 1978.
Panasyuk, M. I., T. A. Fritz and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Comparison of Equatorial
Proton and Helium Ions Observations from Soviet and American Spacecraft: Molniya-1,
Molniya-2 and Explorer 45", International Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial
Physics, Innsbruck, Austria, June 3, 1978.
Fritz, T. A., W. N. Spjeldvik and D. J. Williams: "Interpretation of Magnetospheric
Heavy Ion Observations made by NOAA/SEL Instruments near the Magnetic Equator",
International Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Innsbruck, Austria, June
3, 1978.
Fritz, T. A. and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Helium Ion Pitch Angle Distributions
and the Helium Ion to Proton Flux Ratio in the Equatorial Radiation Belts",
International Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Innsbruck, Austria, June
3, 1978.
Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Steady State Observations of Energetic
Helium and Oxygen Ions in the Earth's Radiation Belts", International
Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Innsbruck, Austria, June 3, 1978.
Panasyuk, M. I., T. A. Fritz and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Equatorial Measurements
of Protons and Helium Ions in the Radiation Belts: Comparison of Soviet and
American Experiments", International Symposium on Nuclear Space Physics,
Leningrad, USSR, October 10, 1978.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "The Absolute and Relative Distributions of Energetic
Protons and Helium Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere", Space Environment
Laboratory Seminar Series, NOAA/ERL, U. S. Department of Commerce, Boulder,
Colorado, October 24, 1978.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Heavy Ions in the Magnetosphere Observed with Explorer
45", Research Seminar, Space Physics Division, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory,
L. G. Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, Massachusetts, July 31, 1979.
Fritz, T. A. and W. N. Spjeldvik: "ISEE Energetic Particle Observations
in the Interior of the Geomagnetic Tail", International Symposium on Results
from the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS), SCOSTEP / IAGA Joint Meeting,
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, November 27 - December 1, 1979.
Spjeldvik, W. N. and T. A. Fritz: "Energetic Radiation Belt Helium Ions
During a Sequence of Geomagnetic Storms", Fall Annual Meeting of the American
Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, December 12, 1979. In: EOS, Transactions
of the American Geophysical Union, 60, 930, 1979.
Feynman, J., W. N. Spjeldvik, T. A. Fritz and D. A. Hardy: "SCATHA and
ATS-6 Observations of Outer Zone Particle Injections During a Multi-Substorm
Magnetic Disturbance", Fall Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical
Union, San Francisco, California, December 12, 1979. In: EOS, Transactions
of the American Geophysical Union, 60, 924, 1979.
Spjeldvik, W. N.: "ISEE-1 Plasma Sheet Boundary Observations on April
24, 1978", Magnetotail Workshop Presentation, NASA / Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, July 26, 1979.
Fritz, T. A., W. N. Spjeldvik, D. J. Williams and T. W. Speiser: "Movement
and Characteristics of the Plasma Sheet Boundary Observed with ISEE-1 and -2
on April 24, 1978", Fall Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union,
San Francisco, California, December 12, 1979. In: EOS, Transactions of the
American Geophysical Union, 60, 908, 1979.
Williams, D. J., T. A. Fritz, W. N. Spjeldvik, B. Wilken and E. Keppler: "Dual
Spacecraft Observations of Multiple Period Waves on the Magnetopause",
Fall Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California,
December 12, 1979. In: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union,
60, 908, 1979.