import java.awt.*; // graphics and GUI classes import java.awt.event.*; // handles button and window events import java.util.*; // needed for Date and Properties /** This is a simple class for producing scatter plots. * It isn't very general or robust, but the code is short and easy to modify. * The plot is fixed in size, with an off-screen buffer to avoid redrawing * everything in the paint method. The plot can therefore hold pixel-level detail. * Many features could be added, such as labels on axes and grid lines, * and a listener to display mouse coordinates. * * To create a new plot, say something like this: * * Plot myPlot = new Plot("Title",-10,10,2,-2,2,.5); * * In this example, the horizontal axis goes from -10 to 10 with grid lines every * 2 units, while the y axis goes from -2 to 2 with grid lines every .5 units. * To add a point to the plot, say something like "myPlot.addPoint(x,y)". * To change the size, shape, and color of the plot symbols, use * setPointSize(int), setPointShape(int), and setColor(Color). * * @author Dan Schroeder */ public class Plot extends Canvas { // constants to define plotted point shapes (could add more later): public static final int SQUARE = 0; public static final int CIRCLE = 1; public static final int COLUMN = 100; static int plotCount = 0; // number of Plot objects created so far (used to position window) String plotTitle; // title of plot double xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax; // the ranges of values for the plot to cover double xRange, yRange; // difference between min and max double xInterval, yInterval; // grid spacing intervals int plotWidth = 400; // width of plot in pixels int plotHeight = 400; // height of plot in pixels Color pointColor =; // color of plotted points (and lines), red by default int pointSize = 3; // width of plot symbols, 3 pixels by default int pointShape = SQUARE; // default point shape is a square boolean connected = false; // whether to connect the dots boolean firstPoint = true; // whether the next point to be plotted is the first int lastx, lasty; // pixel coordinates of last point plotted Frame plotFrame; // the window that will hold the plot Panel controlPanel; // panel with buttons (declared here so subclasses can add more buttons) Image offScreenImage; // off-screen image where we draw Graphics offScreenGraphics; // graphics context for off-screen image Properties printprefs = new Properties(); // for storing user's printing preferences /** Creates a new plot with specified title, ranges, and grid spacings. */ public Plot(String title, double x1, double x2, double x3, double y1, double y2, double y3) { plotCount += 1; plotTitle = title; xMin = x1; xMax = x2; yMin = y1; yMax = y2; xInterval = x3; yInterval = y3; xRange = xMax - xMin; yRange = yMax - yMin; plotFrame = new Frame(title); plotFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { // remove this if you don't want the program public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { // to quit when close-box is clicked System.exit(0); }}); Panel centerPanel = new Panel(); // to avoid resizing the canvas, create a panel to hold it plotFrame.add(centerPanel,BorderLayout.CENTER); // add the panel to the window centerPanel.add(this); // and add the canvas to the panel this.setSize(plotWidth+1,plotHeight+1); // now we can set the canvas's size and it'll work // (+1 is so gridlines show when they're at edges) controlPanel = new Panel(); // create a panel to hold the buttons plotFrame.add(controlPanel,BorderLayout.SOUTH); // put it at the bottom of the window Button clearButton = new Button("Clear"); // create a button to clear the plot clearButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { clearThePlot(); } }); // tell it what to do when the button is clicked controlPanel.add(clearButton); // note that southPanel has the default FlowLayout Button printButton = new Button("Print"); // create the print button printButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { printThePlot(); } }); // tell it what to do when the button is clicked controlPanel.add(printButton); // add the print button to the bottom panel plotFrame.setResizable(false); plotFrame.pack(); // make the frame just large enough to hold its components offScreenImage = createImage(plotWidth+1,plotHeight+1); // create the off-screen image where we'll draw offScreenGraphics = offScreenImage.getGraphics(); // get its graphics context clearThePlot(); plotFrame.setLocation(400+20*plotCount,20*plotCount); // put the window in the upper-right part of the screen plotFrame.setVisible(true); // show the window! requestFocus(); // take focus away from the clear button } /** Adds a new point to the plot. */ public synchronized void addPoint(double newx, double newy) { offScreenGraphics.setColor(pointColor); int pixelx = (int) Math.round(plotWidth * (newx-xMin) / xRange); // convert x to a screen coordinate int pixely = (int) Math.round(plotHeight * (yMax-newy) / yRange); // remember that screen y is measured downward int offset = (int) (pointSize/2.0); // offset of top-left corner (rounded down) if (pointShape == COLUMN) { int yZero = (int) Math.round(yMax * plotHeight / yRange); // position of y=0 in pixel coordinates if (pixely <= yZero) { offScreenGraphics.fillRect(pixelx-offset,pixely,pointSize,yZero-pixely); // above horizontal axis } else { offScreenGraphics.fillRect(pixelx-offset,yZero+1,pointSize,pixely-yZero); // below axis } } else { if (pointShape == CIRCLE) { offScreenGraphics.fillOval(pixelx-offset,pixely-offset,pointSize-1,pointSize-1); } else { offScreenGraphics.fillRect(pixelx-offset,pixely-offset,pointSize,pointSize); // default is SQUARE } } if (connected && !firstPoint) { offScreenGraphics.drawLine(lastx,lasty,pixelx,pixely); } lastx = pixelx; lasty = pixely; firstPoint = false; repaint(); // tell Java that our paint method needs to be called } /** Changes the size of the plotted points (newSize in pixels). */ public void setPointSize(int newSize) { pointSize = newSize; } /** Changes the color of the plotted points and lines. */ public void setColor(Color newColor) { pointColor = newColor; } /** Changes the shape of the plotted points (see constants above for allowed values). */ public void setPointShape(int newShape) { pointShape = newShape; } /** Sets a flag to determine whether the plotted points will be connected by lines. */ public void setConnected(boolean flag) { connected = flag; } /** Paints the canvas (by simply copying the off-screen image). */ public synchronized void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(offScreenImage,0,0,plotWidth+1,plotHeight+1,this); } /** Override update to avoid redrawing background. */ public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } /** Clears the plot and draws the axes and grid lines. */ public synchronized void clearThePlot() { offScreenGraphics.setColor(Color.white); offScreenGraphics.fillRect(0,0,plotWidth+1,plotHeight+1); // paint the background white int gridPixel; // screen coordinate for a grid line offScreenGraphics.setColor(Color.lightGray); // grid lines will be gray double gridX = Math.ceil(xMin/xInterval) * xInterval; // find x value of first vertical grid line while (gridX <= xMax) { gridPixel = (int) Math.round(plotWidth * (gridX-xMin) / xRange); // convert gridX to screen coordinate offScreenGraphics.drawLine(gridPixel,0,gridPixel,plotHeight); // draw vertical grid line gridX += xInterval; } double gridY = Math.ceil(yMin/yInterval) * yInterval; // find y value of lowest horizontal grid line while (gridY <= yMax) { gridPixel = (int) Math.round(plotHeight * (yMax-gridY) / yRange); // remember that screen y is measured downward offScreenGraphics.drawLine(0,gridPixel,plotWidth,gridPixel); // draw horizontal grid line gridY += yInterval; } int xZero = (int) Math.round(-xMin * plotWidth / xRange); // position of x=0 in pixel coordinates int yZero = (int) Math.round(yMax * plotHeight / yRange); // position of y=0 in pixel coordinates offScreenGraphics.setColor(; offScreenGraphics.drawLine(xZero,0,xZero,plotHeight); // draw vertical axis offScreenGraphics.drawLine(0,yZero,plotWidth,yZero); // draw horizontal axis firstPoint = true; repaint(); } /** Prints the plot (adapted from Java Examples in a Nutshell, 2nd ed., page 315). */ public void printThePlot() { Toolkit myToolkit = this.getToolkit(); PrintJob myJob = myToolkit.getPrintJob(plotFrame, "PlotPrint", printprefs); // show the print dialog if (myJob == null) return; // if user clicked Cancel, don't proceed Graphics g = myJob.getGraphics(); // get the graphics context for printing g.translate(100,100); // leave some space at the top and left margins Date today = new Date(); g.drawString(plotTitle + ", printed by XYZ on " + today,0,-10); Dimension size = this.getSize(); // could just use plotWidth and plotHeight... g.setClip(0,0,size.width,size.height); // clip any graphics outside border this.print(g); // this in turn calls paint to draw the content g.dispose(); myJob.end(); } }