import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource; import java.text.DecimalFormat; /* A lattice-Boltzmann simulation in Java Copyright 2011-2013, Daniel V. Schroeder (Weber State University) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated data and documentation (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the author shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization. Credits: The "wind tunnel" entry/exit conditions are inspired by Graham Pullan's code ( Additional inspiration from Thomas Pohl's applet ( Other portions of code are based on Wagner ( and Gonsalves (; code adapted from Succi, Revision history: Original version written in November-December 2011. Minor modifications in Feb. 2012 and July 2013. To-do list: Create a quick way to draw common barrier shapes. Try other boundary conditions for top and bottom. Add other data-taking tools, such as plotting vx, vy, speed, density, and curl vs. time at a given point. Measure net force on barrier. For related materials see: */ class LatticeBoltzmannDemo extends Canvas implements Runnable, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { // Global variables, starting with the grid size: int xdim = 200; // dimensions of lattice int ydim = 80; int pixelsPerSquare = 3; // for graphics // Here are the arrays of densities by velocity, named by velocity directions with north up: double[][] n0 = new double[xdim][ydim]; double[][] nN = new double[xdim][ydim]; double[][] nS = new double[xdim][ydim]; double[][] nE = new double[xdim][ydim]; double[][] nW = new double[xdim][ydim]; double[][] nNW = new double[xdim][ydim]; double[][] nNE = new double[xdim][ydim]; double[][] nSW = new double[xdim][ydim]; double[][] nSE = new double[xdim][ydim]; // Other arrays calculated from the above: double[][] density = new double[xdim][ydim]; // total density double[][] xvel = new double[xdim][ydim]; // macroscopic x velocity double[][] yvel = new double[xdim][ydim]; // macroscopic y velocity double[][] speed2 = new double[xdim][ydim]; // macroscopic speed squared // Boolean array, true at sites that contain barriers: boolean[][] barrier = new boolean[xdim][ydim]; /*{ for (int x=0; xcyan->green->yellow->red h += 0.03 * Math.sin(6*Math.PI*h); // for smoother color gradations //shade[c] = Color.getHSBColor((float)h,(float)1,(float)1); colorInt[c] = Color.HSBtoRGB((float)h,(float)1,(float)1); // store each color as an integer } } // Image-related objects for sophisticated memory image source: //int[] iPixels = new int[xdim * ydim]; //MemoryImageSource iSource = new MemoryImageSource(xdim,ydim,iPixels,0,xdim); int[] iPixels = new int[xdim * pixelsPerSquare * ydim * pixelsPerSquare]; MemoryImageSource iSource = new MemoryImageSource(xdim*pixelsPerSquare,ydim*pixelsPerSquare, iPixels,0,xdim*pixelsPerSquare); Image theImage; Image scaledImage; boolean running = false; // true when the simulation thread is running int stepTime = 0; // performance measure: time in ms for a single iteration of the algorithm int collideTime = 0; int streamTime = 0; int paintTime = 0; int mouseX, mouseY; // mouse coordinates in grid units boolean mouseInCanvas = false; boolean mouseDrawBarrier = true; // true when mouse is drawing rather than erasing a barrier Cursor crosshairCursor = new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR); Cursor arrowCursor = new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR); Canvas dataCanvas; // for numerical readouts DecimalFormat threePlaces = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); Button runButton = new Button(" Run "); DoubleScroller barrierSizeScroller = new DoubleScroller("Barrier size = ",1,50,1,20); DoubleScroller viscScroller = new DoubleScroller("Viscosity = ",.01,1,.01,.02); DoubleScroller speedScroller = new DoubleScroller("Flow speed = ",0,0.12,0.005,0.1); Checkbox pbcCheck = new Checkbox("PBC",true); DoubleScroller contrastScroller = new DoubleScroller("Contrast = ",1,100,1,20); Choice plotChoice = new Choice(); // calculation short-cuts: double four9ths = 4.0 / 9; double one9th = 1.0 / 9; double one36th = 1.0 / 36; // Constructor method does all the initializations: LatticeBoltzmannDemo() { initFluid(); // initialize the fluid state initTracers(); // place the tracer particles // Start the GUI with a Frame and a Panel to hold the Canvas: setSize(xdim*pixelsPerSquare,ydim*pixelsPerSquare); addMouseListener(this); addMouseMotionListener(this); Frame theFrame = new Frame("Lattice-Boltzmann Fluid"); theFrame.setResizable(false); theFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); // exit when user clicks close button } }); Panel canvasPanel = new Panel(); theFrame.add(canvasPanel); canvasPanel.add(this); // Offscreen image and memory image source: iSource.setAnimated(true); theImage = createImage(iSource); // Add a control panel and data-readout canvas: Panel controlPanel = new Panel(); theFrame.add(controlPanel,BorderLayout.SOUTH); controlPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,1)); // divide controlPanel into equal-height rows dataCanvas = new Canvas() { public void paint(Graphics g) { if (mouseInCanvas) { g.drawString("t = " + time + ", x = " + mouseX + ", y = " + mouseY + ", density = " + threePlaces.format(density[mouseX][mouseY]) + ", speed = " + threePlaces.format(Math.sqrt(speed2[mouseX][mouseY])) + ", vx = " + threePlaces.format(xvel[mouseX][mouseY]) + ", vy = " + threePlaces.format(yvel[mouseX][mouseY]) /*", n0 = " + threePlaces.format(n0[mouseX][mouseY]) + ", nE = " + threePlaces.format(nE[mouseX][mouseY]) + ", nW = " + threePlaces.format(nW[mouseX][mouseY]) + ", nN = " + threePlaces.format(nN[mouseX][mouseY]) + ", nS = " + threePlaces.format(nS[mouseX][mouseY]) + ", nNE = " + threePlaces.format(nNE[mouseX][mouseY]) + ", nNW = " + threePlaces.format(nNW[mouseX][mouseY]) + ", nSE = " + threePlaces.format(nSE[mouseX][mouseY]) + ", nSW = " + threePlaces.format(nSW[mouseX][mouseY])*/ ,10,15); } else { g.drawString("t = " + time + "; Calculation: " + stepTime + " ms; collision: " + collideTime + " ms; stream: " + streamTime + " ms; paint: " + paintTime + " ms",10,15); } } }; controlPanel.add(dataCanvas); // Sub-panel for buttons: Panel cPanel1 = new Panel(); controlPanel.add(cPanel1); cPanel1.add(runButton); runButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { running = !running; if (running) runButton.setLabel("Pause"); else runButton.setLabel("Run"); } }); Button stepButton = new Button("Step"); cPanel1.add(stepButton); stepButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doStep(); //System.out.println(density[10][10]); } }); Button resetButton = new Button("Reset fluid"); cPanel1.add(resetButton); resetButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { initFluid(); repaint(); } }); cPanel1.add(barrierSizeScroller); Button lineButton = new Button("Line"); cPanel1.add(lineButton); lineButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { clearBarriers(); makeLine((int) Math.round(barrierSizeScroller.getValue())); } }); Button circleButton = new Button("Circle"); cPanel1.add(circleButton); circleButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { clearBarriers(); makeCircle((int) Math.round(barrierSizeScroller.getValue())); } }); Button clearButton = new Button("Clear barriers"); cPanel1.add(clearButton); clearButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { clearBarriers(); } }); // Sub-panel for physical settings: Panel cPanel2 = new Panel(); controlPanel.add(cPanel2); cPanel2.add(viscScroller); cPanel2.add(speedScroller); //cPanel2.add(pbcCheck); // Sub-panel for visualization stuff: Panel cPanel3 = new Panel(); controlPanel.add(cPanel3); cPanel3.add(plotChoice); plotChoice.add("Plot Speed"); plotChoice.add("Plot vx"); plotChoice.add("Plot vy"); plotChoice.add("Plot Curl"); plotChoice.add("Plot Density");; // initially plot the curl cPanel3.add(contrastScroller); cPanel3.add(tracersCheck); tracersCheck.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (tracersCheck.getState()) initTracers(); repaint(); } }); // GUI is complete so pack the frame and show it: theFrame.pack(); theFrame.setVisible(true); makeLine(20); // start with a linear barrier // Now start the simulation thread: Thread simThread = new Thread(this); simThread.start(); } // end of constructor method // Initialize the fluid with density 1 and user-chosen speed in x direction: synchronized void initFluid() { double v = speedScroller.getValue(); for (int x=0; x0, 2->.5, 3->1, 4->1.5, etc. double centerY = ydim/2 - 1; if (diameter % 2 == 0) centerY -= 0.5; // shift down a bit if diameter is an even number double centerX = centerY; for (double theta=0; theta<2*Math.PI; theta+=0.1/radius) { int x = (int) Math.round(centerX + radius*Math.cos(theta)); int y = (int) Math.round(centerY + radius*Math.sin(theta)); drawBarrier(x,y); if (radius > 1) { x = (int) Math.round(centerX + (radius-0.5)*Math.cos(theta)); y = (int) Math.round(centerY + (radius-0.5)*Math.sin(theta)); drawBarrier(x,y); } } } // Handy method to set all densities at a site to zero: void zeroSite(int x, int y) { n0[x][y] = 0; nE[x][y] = 0; nW[x][y] = 0; nN[x][y] = 0; nS[x][y] = 0; nNE[x][y] = 0; nNW[x][y] = 0; nSE[x][y] = 0; nSW[x][y] = 0; xvel[x][y] = 0; yvel[x][y] = 0; speed2[x][y] = 0; } // Initialize tracer positions, equally spaced: void initTracers() { int nRow = (int) Math.sqrt(nTracers); // number of tracers in a row nTracers = nRow * nRow; // force nTracers to be a perfect square double dx = xdim * 1.0 / nRow; double dy = ydim * 1.0 / nRow; int next = 0; for (int x=0; x 0) { vx = (nE[x][y] + nNE[x][y] + nSE[x][y] - nW[x][y] - nNW[x][y] - nSW[x][y]) / n; } else vx = 0; xvel[x][y] = vx; // may be needed for plotting if (n > 0) { vy = (nN[x][y] + nNE[x][y] + nNW[x][y] - nS[x][y] - nSE[x][y] - nSW[x][y]) / n; } else vy = 0; yvel[x][y] = vy; // may be needed for plotting vx3 = 3 * vx; vy3 = 3 * vy; vx2 = vx * vx; vy2 = vy * vy; vxvy2 = 2 * vx * vy; v2 = vx2 + vy2; speed2[x][y] = v2; // may be needed for plotting v215 = 1.5 * v2; n0[x][y] += omega * (four9ths*n * (1 - v215) - n0[x][y]); nE[x][y] += omega * ( one9thn * (1 + vx3 + 4.5*vx2 - v215) - nE[x][y]); nW[x][y] += omega * ( one9thn * (1 - vx3 + 4.5*vx2 - v215) - nW[x][y]); nN[x][y] += omega * ( one9thn * (1 + vy3 + 4.5*vy2 - v215) - nN[x][y]); nS[x][y] += omega * ( one9thn * (1 - vy3 + 4.5*vy2 - v215) - nS[x][y]); nNE[x][y] += omega * ( one36thn * (1 + vx3 + vy3 + 4.5*(v2+vxvy2) - v215) - nNE[x][y]); nNW[x][y] += omega * ( one36thn * (1 - vx3 + vy3 + 4.5*(v2-vxvy2) - v215) - nNW[x][y]); nSE[x][y] += omega * ( one36thn * (1 + vx3 - vy3 + 4.5*(v2-vxvy2) - v215) - nSE[x][y]); nSW[x][y] += omega * ( one36thn * (1 - vx3 - vy3 + 4.5*(v2+vxvy2) - v215) - nSW[x][y]); } } } } // Forcing code left over from earlier version; may want to allow some forcing later /*void force() { // f = 0.01 results in a max speed of 0.175 when xdim = ydim = 100. double f = driveScroller.getValue() / 40; // coefficient is empirically chosen to avoid instability for (int x=0; x0; y--) { nN[x][y] = nN[x][y-1]; // move the north-moving particles nNW[x][y] = nNW[x+1][y-1]; // and the northwest-moving particles } } for (int x=xdim-1; x>0; x--) { // now start in NE corner... for (int y=ydim-1; y>0; y--) { nE[x][y] = nE[x-1][y]; // move the east-moving particles nNE[x][y] = nNE[x-1][y-1]; // and the northeast-moving particles } } for (int x=xdim-1; x>0; x--) { // now start in SE corner... for (int y=0; y0; y--) { nN[xdim-1][y] = nN[xdim-1][y-1]; } // Now handle left boundary as in Pullan's example code: // Stream particles in from the non-existent space to the left, with the // user-determined speed: double v = speedScroller.getValue(); for (int y=0; y 0) { nS[x][y-1] += nN[x][y]; nN[x][y] = 0; } if (nS[x][y] > 0) { nN[x][y+1] += nS[x][y]; nS[x][y] = 0; } if (nE[x][y] > 0) { nW[x-1][y] += nE[x][y]; nE[x][y] = 0; } if (nW[x][y] > 0) { nE[x+1][y] += nW[x][y]; nW[x][y] = 0; } if (nNW[x][y] > 0) { nSE[x+1][y-1] += nNW[x][y]; nNW[x][y] = 0; } if (nNE[x][y] > 0) { nSW[x-1][y-1] += nNE[x][y]; nNE[x][y] = 0; } if (nSW[x][y] > 0) { nNE[x+1][y+1] += nSW[x][y]; nSW[x][y] = 0; } if (nSE[x][y] > 0) { nNW[x-1][y+1] += nSE[x][y]; nSE[x][y] = 0; } } } } // Last but not least, stream particles in from non-existent space to the right, // assuming the left-moving densities are the same as they are immediately to the left: /* for (int y=0; y= xdim) tracerx[t] = 0; // recycle when it exits to the right if (tracery[t] < 0) tracery[t] = 0; if (tracery[t] >= ydim) tracery[t] = ydim-1; } } // Compute the curl of the velocity field, paying special attention to edges: double[][] curl = new double[xdim][ydim]; void computeCurl() { for (int x=1; x=0; y--) { // note that we loop over y (row number) first, high to low for (int x=0; x= nColors) colorIndex = nColors - 1; theColor = colorInt[colorIndex]; //g.setColor(shade[colorIndex]); } // Now draw a square the hard way, one pixel at a time... // (We could make the memory image one pixel per square and use drawImage to enlarge it, // but on Java 1.5 for Mac and perhaps others, this blurs the image.) for (int j=0; j= xdim-1 || mouseY < 1 || mouseY >= ydim-1) return; if (barrier[mouseX][mouseY]) mouseDrawBarrier = false; else mouseDrawBarrier = true; drawBarrier(mouseX,mouseY); } // Handle mouse drag to a different location: public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { mouseX = e.getX() / pixelsPerSquare; mouseY = ydim - 1 - e.getY() / pixelsPerSquare; if (mouseX < 1 || mouseX >= xdim-1 || mouseY < 1 || mouseY >= ydim-1) return; drawBarrier(mouseX,mouseY); } // A grid point has been clicked or dragged; create or erase a barrier accordingly: void drawBarrier(int x, int y) { if (mouseDrawBarrier) { barrier[x][y] = true; zeroSite(x,y); // set all densities to zero if drawing a barrier here } else { if (barrier[x][y]) { // don't erase unless there's actually a barrier here barrier[x][y] = false; n0[x][y] = 1; // place some motionless fluid here with density 1 density[x][y] = 1; speed2[x][y] = 0; // paint method needs to know that speed is zero } } repaint(); } // Mouse has entered canvas so get location for display on dataCanvas: public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { setCursor(crosshairCursor); mouseInCanvas = true; mouseX = e.getX() / pixelsPerSquare; mouseY = ydim - 1 - e.getY() / pixelsPerSquare; dataCanvas.repaint(); } // Mouse has exited canvas: public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { setCursor(arrowCursor); mouseInCanvas = false; dataCanvas.repaint(); } // Mouse has moved within canvas so update location for display on dataCanvas: public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { mouseX = e.getX() / pixelsPerSquare; mouseY = ydim - 1 - e.getY() / pixelsPerSquare; dataCanvas.repaint(); } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} // Boring main method to get things started: public static void main(String[] arg) { new LatticeBoltzmannDemo(); } } // end of class LatticeBoltzmannDemo /** A component that combines a Scrollbar and a Label, to adjust and display a * parameter of type double. Not very pretty, robust, or general, but gets the * job done for most purposes, without too much complexity. */ class DoubleScroller extends Panel implements AdjustmentListener { double theValue, minValue, maxValue, stepSize; // scrollbar parameters String labelText; // explanatory text to display Label theLabel; // includes explanatory text and the numerical value DecimalFormat labelFormat; // format for displaying the value Scrollbar theScrollbar; /** Construct a new DoubleScroller given the minimum value, maximum value, step size, initial value, and text label to display to the left of the current value. */ public DoubleScroller(String label, double min, double max, double step, double initial) { minValue = min; maxValue = max; stepSize = step; theValue = initial; labelText = label; if (decimalPlaces(stepSize) <= 0) { labelFormat = new DecimalFormat("0"); } else { StringBuffer pattern = new StringBuffer().append("0."); for (int i=0; i